Yalagan Group was delighted to welcome our newest Trainee young Torres Strait Islander, Yamatji woman of the Bundina People student Mavis Lyndon last week, Mavis will be working alongside the WA team in our East Victoria Park office for the next 12 months completing her Certificate III in Business Administration.
Having already completed her Certificate II in Business Mavis is excited to learn more about Yalagan’s day-to-day business operations and develop a deeper understanding of the Indigenous business sector.
Our WA team are looking forward to guiding Mavis in her Traineeship: Marketing Coordinator Georgia Walker highlights;
“Mavis is a great girl, and we really want her to get the most out of this experience, as one of our first WA Trainees we have created exciting new projects for her to contribute towards some of which you will even see make a feature on our social media.”
We would also like to extend our appreciation to Jonny from Apprentice Australia for all her help in assisting us with getting Mavis ready for her transition into part time work, it’s with the help of organisations like this that we can create meaningful opportunities for our mob.